TONG Shijun (童世骏)
Chancellor of NYU Shanghai (Shanghai New York University);
Professor of Philosophy ECNU (East China Normal University);
Member of the Social Science Committee of MOE (the Ministry of Education);
Foreign Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi).
From 1975 and 1978, after spending 3 years in a state-owned farm in suburb Shanghai (Chongming Island), Tong Shijun, in the spring of 1978, became one of the first college students in China after the higher education system was normalized as a result of the ending of 10-years-long “Cultural Revolution”.
In 1982 and 1984, he got B.A. and M.A. degrees from ECNU respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in philosophy from University of Bergen of Norway in 1994.
Starting his career of teaching philosophy towards the end of 1984 at ECNU, Tong got his associate professorship and full professorship respectively in 1991 and 1994.
After the period from 1995 to 2004 in which he first worked as the Chairman of Department of Philosophy, then as a Deputy Dean of the School of Humanities, and later as an Assistant President of ECNU, he became a Deputy Dean of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) in 2004 (till 2011).
From 2009 through 2011, he also took the concurrent position of the Director of the Philosophical Institute of SASS. Then, from July 2011 to December 2019, he worked as the Party Secretary of CCP (Chinese Communist Party) of ECNU as well as its University Council Chairman. Since June 2020, he has been the Chancellor of NYU Shanghai.
In addition to his frequent visits to Norway since 1988, Tong visited University of Marburg of Germany as a guest professor from May to November 1998, and worked at Columbia University of the USA as research visiting Fulbright Scholar in the academic year 2000-2001.
In the last decades, Tong gave academic lectures and read conference papers in many other countries, including Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, and South Korea.
Tong Shijun has published more than 10 books and more than 100 papers in Chinese, English and some other European languages, as well as more than 10 Chinese translations from English or German.
Selected Chinese Books:
Learning to Become: Quest for Creativity, Character and Community (Shanghai, 2020)
Spiritual Challenges in Contemporary China (Shanghai, 2017)
On Rules (Shanghai, 2014/2019)
The Problem of Modernity in the Dialogue between China and the West (Shanghai, 2010/2022)
Critique and Practice: Essays on Jürgen Habermas’s Critical Theory (Beijing, 2007/2015)
Western Philosophy at the Times of Marx and Engels (Shanghai, 1994), co-authored with Zhao Xiuyi
Selected English Books:
Theoretical Dialogue in Practice (Sweden, 2009)
Dialectics of Modernization: Habermas and the Chinese Discourse of Modernization (Sidney, 2000)
Epistemology and Methodology in the Post-Hegelian European Philosophy of 19th Century (Bergen, 1993)
Chinese Philosophy: Practical Reason and Dialectical Logic (Bergen, 1989)
Selected Paper Publications in English and Other European Languages:
“Dialectics as Immanent Critique Or, Dialectics as both Ontology and Epistemology with a Practical Intention” (Filozofija I Drustvo Philosophy and Society broj 1 2021, godište XXXII)
“Reason and Li Xing: A Chinese Solution to Habermas’ Problem of Moral Motivation”, in Deprovincializing Habermas - Global Perspectives, edited by Tom Bailey, Routeledge, London, New York, New Dehli, 2013
“Ideas of University: A Critical Review”, in Politics in Education, edited by Peter Kemp, Asger Soerensen, Philosophy of Education Bd. 2, LIT Verlag, Muenster, 2012
“'Overlapping Consensus’ on ‘Overlapping Consensus’”, in Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2009, and in Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (Supplement): 29-45, 2012 (the Danish version of this paper was published as “En’overlappende konsensus’ om den ‘overlappende konsensus’”, in John Rawls’ politiske filosofi, edited by Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, Soeren Flinch Midtgaard, Asger Soerensen, NSU Press, 2008)
“From the Idea of ‘Multiple Modernities’ to the Idea of ‘Multiple Democracies’”, in Multiple Democracies in Theory and History, edited by Simen Andersen Øyen and Rasmus Slaattelid, SVT-Press at the University of Bergen, 2009
“Die Relevanz von Habermas’ Theorie der Moderne fuer China”, in Iwo Amelung, Anett Dipper (Hg.): Kritische Verhaltnisse: Die Rezeption der Frankfurter Schule in China, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 2009
“Varieties of Universalism”, European Journal of Social Theory, 12 (4): 449-463, 2009, Sage Publications: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC
“The Idea of ‘Immanent Transcendence’: Chinese Tradition, Dewey, and Habermas”, in Nils Gilje and Harald Grimen (eds): Discursive Modernity: Festschrift to Professor Gunnar Skirbekk on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Norway
“Chinese Thought and Dialogical Universalism”, in Gerard Delanty(ed.): Europe and Asia beyond East and West, Routledge, ESA Studies in European Societies, 2006
“Critique Immanent in Practice: New Frankfurt School and American Pragmatism”, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, No. 2, 2006
“Popper’s Conception of History Seen from the Kantian Tradition”, in Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, edited by Ian Jarvie, Karl Milford, David Miller, Volume 3: Science, Ashgate, 2006
“Multiple Modernities, Strauss, and Contemporary Epistemology: Charles Taylor Meets Chinese Scholars in Shanghai”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Vol. III, No. 2, Summer 2004
“Habermas and the Chinese Discourse of Modernity”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, No. 1, December 2001
“Attempts to Blend Confucianism with Modernity”, in Development and Modernity: Perspectives on Western Theories of Modernization, edited by Lars Gule and Oddvar Storeboe, Ariadne Press, Bergen 1993
“Between Mr. Science and Mr. Democracy: an Essay on the Contemporary Political Culture of China”, in Development and Modernity: Perspectives on Western Theories of Modernization, edited by Lars Gule and Oddvar Storeboe, Ariadne Press, Bergen 1993
“A Comparitive Study of Popper’s and Habermas’ Conceptions of Rationality”, in Modernitet: Differensiering og Rasjonalisering (Arbok 1989), redigert av Harald Grimen, Senter for Vitskapsteori/Airadne Forlag, Bergen 1990.
Selected Chinese Translations:
Hilary Putnam’s Reason, Truth and History (Shanghai, 1997), co-translated with Li Guangcheng
Jürgen Habermas’s Faktizität und Geltung (Beijing, 2003)