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发布日期: 2019-12-10   浏览次数 22025


陈赟,哲学博士,现为华东师范大学哲学系教授、博士生导师,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地华东师范大学中国现代思想文化研究所副所长、浙江大学马一浮书院副院长。曾在英国牛津大学(2016.03-2017.02)、美国孟菲斯大学(2009.08-2010.08)、台湾大学(2011.08)等从事访问研究,台湾东海大学访问教授(2015.03-04),曾任思勉人文高等研究院副院长(2012.10-2016.02)。入选教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授(2022)、教育部长江学者奖励计划青年学者项目(2016)、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2009)、上海市曙光学者支持计划(2011)、上海市浦江人才计划(2011)、上海市年度社科新人(2011)、上海市科教党委青年科技创新人才奖(2008)等,入选华人国学大典·国学星斗计划·名家组(2022)。兼任国际中国哲学学会(ISCP)中国联络人、中华孔子学会船山学研究专业委员会会长,国家一级学会中国哲学史学会、中华孔子学会、老子道学文化研究会常务理事,敦和基金会经学资助项目专家委员会委员,中国朱子学会理事,国际易学联合会理事,中华民族团结进步协会理事兼专家委员会委员,中国社科院-平潭国家综合实验区中国优秀传统文化基地理事,河南省老子学院研究员、上海市中西哲学与文化比较研究会理事等。曾任第十一届中华青年联合会委员、上海市第十一届青年联合会委员、上海市第十一届和第十二政协委员、上海市资深青联委员。出版个人专著10余部, 5部成果获得省部级成果奖励,承担国家社科基金项目4项(重点项目2项、后期资助项目1项、青年项目1项),另有1部成果入选国家哲学社会科学成果文库,承担省部级重大课题3项。在Contemporary Chinese ThoughtReligions、《哲学研究》等海内外发表学术论文230余篇,两次入选中国人民大学书报资料中心重要转载来源作者。



















2. 《人禽之辨与秩序根基:以道家哲学为视域》,《中国社会科学报》2023117日第2版。



5. 《秩序与浑沌的居间性平衡:论庄子的秩序形上学》,《孔学堂》2023年第1








13. “From the Order of Zong Fa tothe Order of Ren Lun —Confucianism and the Transformation of the Paradigm ofEarly Chinese Communities”Religions, 2023, 14(9), 1091;https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14091091 - 23 Aug 2023. (A&HCI )




2. 《引导性的秩序理念及其机制和根据》,《伦理学研究》2022年第6期。CSSCI。人大报刊资料《伦理学》2023年第3期全文转载。




6. 《“治出于二”与中国知识谱系的创建》,《江苏社会科学》2022年第6期。CSSCI。《中国哲学》2023年第5期全文转载。

7. 《“原史”:中国思想传统中的原初符号形式》,《船山学刊》2022年第6期。《社会科学文摘》2023年第1期转载;《新华文摘》2023年第8期转摘;《高等学校文科学术文摘》2023年第2期转摘。荣获湖南省高校学报2022年度优秀论文。









16.《老子》:“ 无弃人,无弃物” 的“ 和光同尘” 之道》,林明照(台湾大学)、陈赟、赖锡三(高雄中山大学),《商丘师范学院学报》2022年第1期。












































11The MainlandConfucian Revival and Its Problems as Seen from the Perspective of ‘CivilizationalTheory’”, Contemporary Chinese Thought(《当代中国思想》A&HCI来源期刊)第492卷第139-150页。A&HCI







Prof. CHEN Yun

Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (P.R.)



Basic Information

Prof. Chen Yun was born in Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province in December 1973. In 1995, CHEN Yun began his M.A. project under the supervision of Prof. Zhang Xianghao and Prof. Hong Xiuping in the Department of Philosophy at Nanjing University. In 1998, he obtained his Master’s Degree in Chinese Philosophy. In 1998, he began his Doctor project under the supervision of Prof. Yang Guorong (The Distinguished Scholar) in the Department of Philosophy in East China University (ECNU). After earning his PH.D.in 2001, he worked in the ECNU and served as Lecture (2001-2005), Associate Professor (2005-2008) followed by Professorship in 2008. He was awarded the qualification of Doctorial Advisor in 2012. He went to Memphis University as a visiting scholar during 2009-2010.

Prof. Chen Yun also served as Vice President of The Institute of Modern Chinese Thought and Culture, ECNU(one of the key research centers in the humanities and the social sciences under the auspice of the Ministry of Education in China), as well as Vice President of Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU. His social affiliations contains: a member of the 11th and 12th Shanghai People’s Political Consultative Committee11thAll-ChinaYouth Federation, 11th Shanghai Youth Federation and so on. He also serves on the Academic Evaluating committee of the State Council, Zhu Xi Society, The Shanghai Association Of Comparative Study On Chinese-Western Philosophy and Culture, Oriental youth society, Guest Professor of Institute for Advanced Studies in Education,(ECNU), and editorial board member of Qiao YI of Institute of Foreign Literature of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,etc.. His work ranges from Confucianism in Pre-Qin period,Taoist Philosophy, Philosophy of Wang Fuzhi, Classical Political Philosophy,and Chinese modernity issues,etc..

Email:ecnuchenyun@gmail.com \ecnuchenyun@163.com

Treatises (in Chinese)

(1). Return to Reality: An Interpretation of Wang Chuanshan’s Philosophy, Fudan University Press, first edition: 2002; second edition:2007.

(2). The Difficult Position of the Consciousness of Modernity in China, Shanghai, East China Normal University Press, 2005.

(3) Between Heaven and Earth: the Horizon of Classical Chinese Thought, Shanghai, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2007.

(4) The Thought of Doctrine of the Mean, Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company,2007.

(5) Spiritual Life in Modern Times, Beijing, New Stars Publishing House, 2008.

(6)The Spirit of Zhuangzis Philosophy, Shanghai, Shanghai People's Publishing House,2016.

(7) Confucian Thoughts and The Way of  China.





Edited Books

1.        Contemporary Academic Status and the Future of Chinese Thought(East China Normal University2010)

2.        The Chinese Horizon of Modernity, Thought and Culture 8th series,(East China Normal University2010)

3.        Academic Essays by Zhong Tai(Shanghai People's Publishing House,2012)

4.        Mutipl-Modenity: the Horizon of China and Europe(East China Normal University2011)

5.        Thought and Culture15th series(East China Normal University2014)

Academic Distinctions and Awards

1.        7 th Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Title 3rd prize in the kind of works, 2004: Return to the Real Existence: an Interpretation of Wang Chuanshan’s Philosophy

2.        8 th Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Title 3rd prize in the kind of works, 2006: China's Modern Consciousness in Predicament

3.        9 th Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Title 2ed prize in the kind of works, 2008: The Spirit of the Doctrine of Mean

4.        12th Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Title 3rd prize in the kind of thesis, 2014: On “Pao-ding Dissecting Cattle”

Published Articles (selected)

1.“On the Appropriate Way in Talking about Tian-Dao with Reference to Wang Fuchi’s Research on Chuangzi”, In Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences), No.2, 2014.

2.“The ‘Regime Shift’ from Human Being to Heaven and the New Conception of Subject——on Jean Francois Billeter’s Four Lectures about Zhuangzi”, In Journal of Social Sciences, No.7, 2014.

3.Yingdiwang in Chuang-tzu and Critique of Confucian Emperor Politics”, In Journal of Anhui Normal University (Humanities and Social Science Edition), No.5, 2013.

4.“The Rejuvenation of Confucian Traditions and the Spirit of State Governance”, In People’s Tribune· Frontiers, No.8, 2013.

5.“‘To Learn and at Due Times to Apply What You Have Learnt’: The Beginning of the Analects”, In Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.3, 2012. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

6.“From ‘Shi Fei Zhi Zhi’ to ‘Mo Ruo Yi Ming’: Approach to ‘De’ from ‘Zhi’ in the Process of Understanding with Reference to Chiwulun of Chuang-tzu”, In Tianjin Social Sciences, No.3, 2012. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

7.“An Interpretation of ‘Paoding Disserts the Cattle’”, In Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Social Science Edition), No.4, 2012.

8.“The ‘Transmission’ and ‘Innovation’ of Confucius and the Establishment of the Six Classics”, In Philosophical Analysis, No.1, 2012.

9.“Zhuxi and the Problem of Orthodoxy in Chinese Thought”, In Qilu Journal, No.2, 2012.

10.“The Thought of Human-heartedness and the Political and State Model in the Axial Age of China”, In Academia Bimestrie, No.2, 2012.

11.‘Jia Tian-xia’ and ‘Tian-xia Yi Jia’: Spirits of Politics and Religion in Three Dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou—With reference to Wang Guowei’s On the Constitution of Three Dynasties”, In Journal of Anhui Normal University (Humanities and Social Science Edition), No.5, 2012.

12.“The Significance of Confucius’ Life on Culture”, In Journal of Nantong University (Social Sciences Edition), No.3, 2012.

13.“From the Five Emperors, the Three Kings to ‘UnderHeavenState’: On ‘the UnderHeavenPolitics’ Historical Establishment”, In Journal of Social Sciences, No.12, 2011.

14.“Tao-Teaching-Classics and the Structure of ‘Si Wen’ of Confucius”, In Jiangsu Social Sciences, No.5, 2011. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

15.“‘Death of Hundun and the Basic Problem Chinese Idea of ‘Axial Age’”, In Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Social Science Edition), No.6, 2010. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

16.“‘Death of Hundun and Deconstruction of All-under-Heaven View of China Centrism”, In Journal of Social Sciences, No.6, 2010.

17.“The Termination of the Communication between Celestial and Human Beings and the Beginning of Chinese Political and Educative Structure”, In Jiangsu Social Sciences, No.4, 2010.

18.“The Meaning of Kun and Peng Fable of Xiao Yao You Chapter in Chuang-tzu”, In Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Social Science Edition), No.1, 2009. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

19.‘Li Ren’ and the Way of Living——the Thoughts and Spirits of Li Ren Chapter in the Analects of Confucius”,In the Journal of Humanities, No.2, 2009.

20.“‘Yao's Resigning the Throne to Xu You’: a Metaphorical Expression of Fundamental Political Principle———the Inner Subject of Zhuangzi· Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease”, In Journal of Social Sciences, No.4, 2009.

21.“Communication the Heaven Way and Human Nature: On the Sincerity of Zhongyong”, In Qilu Journal, No.2, 2008.

22.“The Possibility of the Impossibility: the Inner Dilemma of Golden Mean”, In the Journal of Humanities, No.2, 2008.

23.“NihilismGods Match and the Value Arrogation——The Dilemma of Modern Spiritual Life”, In the Journal of Humanities, No.1, 2007. Replicated by the Digest of China Social Sciences.

24.“The Secularization and Modern Spiritual Life”, In Tianjin Social Sciences, No.5, 2007.

25.“Ghosts, Cultural Life and the Distance in the Way of Existence——the Confucian Ritual Spirit”, In Journal of Yuandao, 2007.

26.“Politics-Governance, Teaching–Studying, Custom-Culture——One Aspect of the Idea of Traditional Chinese Political Legitimacy”, In Academia Bimestrie, No.2, 2007. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

27.“Golden Mean and the Acceptance of the World at Present”, In Social Sciences in Ningxia, No.1, 2007.

28.“The Interplay between the Beginning and End of the World and Human———the Philosophical Meaning of Wang Chuanshan’s View of ‘Heaven and Earth Beginning with Today’”, In Journal of Hengyang Normal University, No.1, 2007.

29.“The spirit of ‘Su-Wei’ in the Doctrine of Mean and the Distance to Accept the World”, In Journal of Qilu Culture Studies, 2007.

30.“Golden Mean: As an Overall and Profound Cultural Ideal”, In Academic Monthly, No.4, 2006.

31.“Why is the Virtues of ‘Zhi’, ‘Ren’ and ‘Yong’ that Make the Doctrine of the Mean Possible”, In Modern Philosophy, No.6, 2006. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

32.“The Connotation of ‘Wen’ and its Position in Chinese Culture”, In Chinese Culture Research, No.4, 2006. Replicated by Books and Information Center of Renmin University of China.

33.‘Datong’, ‘Xiaokang’ and the Beginning of Rites and Music Life——At What Point is ‘Datong’ not Utopia”, In Fujian Tribune (The Humanities & Social Sciences Monthly), No.5, 2006.

34.“The Political Way and the Governed Way in Ancient Chinese Thought”, In Journal of Guizhou Normal University (Social Science), No.5, 2006.

35.“Extremely Civilized but Simple: A Dimension of ‘The Doctrine of the Mea’”, In Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), No.5, 2006.

36.“From ‘Zaishi’ to ‘Chuangshi: the Modern Transformation of the Individual Confirmation”, In Social Science Research, No.4, 2006.

37.“Experience Model in the Philosophy of Confucianism”, In Tribune of Study, No.3, 2006.

38.“Why Masterminds Always Advocate Moderation”, In Journal of Nantong University (Social Sciences Edition), No.4, 2006.

39.“Nation-State Identity from the Perspective of Tian-xia View”, In Forum of World Economy and Politics, No.6, 2005.

40.“Identity Discourse of Modern China”, In Zhejiang Academic Journal, No.2, 2005.

41.“The Category of Society and Its Axiomatic Ideology in Chinese Consciousness of Modernity”, In Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.6, 2004.

42.“From Charity to Justice: the Modern Transformation of Moral Key Words and its Predicament”, In Journal of Humanities (Bimonthly), No.4, 2004.

43.“The Cause for the (Alternation between) Darkness and Brightness and Correlation between the Heaven and Human —— From Wang Chuanshan’s Views of the Yi-ology”, In Studies of Zhou Yi, No.5, 2004.

44.“To Explore ‘Historical’ and ‘Ideological’ Significance of Thought History Research”, In Academic Monthly, No.12, 2004.

45.“Metaphysics, Non-being and the Consciousness of Modernity”, In Journal of Henan Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), No.6, 2004.

46.“The Goodness of Human Nature as a Leading Concept——the Philosophical Implication andMethodology Connotation of Mencius Theory of Original Goodness of Human Nature”, In Modern Philosophy, No.1, 2003.

47.“The Spontaneous Order and Wuwei Politics——the Political Legitimacy of Classical Chinese Thought”, In Social Sciences Shanghai China, No.1, 2003.

48.“The End of the Classical World View and the Shaping of Modern Consciousness ——Wang Chuanshan and the Beginning of the Modern China Consciousness”, In Academic Research, No.10, 2003.

49.“From ‘Attaching Importance to Substance While Belittling Function’ to ‘Interaction between Substance and Function’”, In Journal of Xuchang University (Social Science Edition), No.1, 2003.

50.“The Metaphysical and the Under-metaphysical: A Post-metaphysical Interpretation —— Wang Fuzhi’s Distinction of Tao and Qi and its Philosophical Significance”, In Fudan Journal (Social Sciences Edition), No.4, 2002.

51.“The Principled Tao and the Debate on Knowing and Doing ——the Development of Chinese Philosophy during the Period from the Pre-Qin to Song and Ming Dynasties”, In Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.4, 2002.

52.Yin-yang theory and the Implication of Reality in Zhouyi”, In Studies of Zhou Yi, No.5, 2002.

53.“Time Expressed in Chinese Philosophy”, In Journal of Nantong Teachers College (Social Science Edition), No.4, 2002.

54.“‘Sense of Ignorance’ and the Communication of Tian-Di-Ren”, In Qilu Journal, No.11, 2002.

55.“Li to Guide Yu: the Real Relationship between Li and Yu ——Wang Chuanshan’s Theory on the Original Form of Reason and Desire”, In Fujian Tribune (A Literature, History & Philosophy Bimonthly), No.6, 2002.

56.“A New Understanding of the Ancient Chinese Thought”, In Social Sciences Shanghai China, No.10, 2002.

57.“Individuality and Publicity: Dual Dimensions of Wang Chuanshan’s Rational Concept”, In Academia Bimestrie, No.5, 2002.

58.“The Reason Burdened with Desire——Wang Chuanshan’s Critique of the Differentiation between Principle and Desire in Neo-Confucianism”, In Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College (Social Science Edition), No.6, 2002.

59. “Existence and Generation: The Structure of Confucianism and Taoism Metaphysics in Pre-Qin Period”, In Jiang Huai Tribune, No.2, 1999.

60.“Metaphysics and Existence in this World——An Interpretation of Laozi’s ‘The Trinity’ Thought”, In Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.4, 1999.

61.“From ‘Wu Ti Zhi Ti’ to ‘Yu Hua Wei Ti’: Ontology and Subject in Wang Chuanshan’s Studying on Chuangzi”, In Chuanshan Journal, No.2, 2014.

62.“An Analysis of the Patriarchal Clan System of Yin and Zhou Dynasties: Based on Systems of Yin and Zhou Dynasties”, In Academic Monthly, No.11, 2014.

63.“‘Human’ Righteousness and the Home of Wang Guowei's Literature and Philosophy Study in His Early Years”, In Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), No.2, 2014.

64.“Metaphysical and Under-metaphysical: an Interpretation of the Implicit and Explicit as the Center”, In Journal of Qinghua (Taiwan), New Vol.31, No.1 and No.2, 2001.

65.“A Philosophical Dimension of Wang Chuanshan’s Dispute between Li and Qi”, In Journal of Sinology Research (Taiwan), No.2, 2002.

66.“The Modernization of Confucianism and the Review of Cultural Reconciliation”, In Journal of Philosophy and Culture (Taiwan), No. 303, 1999.

67.“The Concept of Unity of Theoretical Noumenon and Practical Functions in Neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming Dynasties”, In Journal of Confucius Mencius (Taiwan), No.79, September 28, 2001.

68.Xin-xue as a Way of Thinking”, In Confucius Mencius Monthly (Taiwan), In February 28, 2001.

69.“Integration and Communication of the Emotional and Rational —— Wang Chuanshan’s Illustration to the Unity of Reason and Desire”, In Confucius Mencius Monthly (Taiwan), Vol.40, No.4, December 28, 2001.

70.“The Way to Connect World of Darkness and Brightness: the Spirit and Basic Issues of Wang Chuanshan’s Philosophy”, In Philosophical Transactions of World China (Taiwan), 2001.

71.“Why New-Confucianism Research and Reflect on Buddhism and Taoism?” (Chen Yun, &Cheng Shouyong), In Confucius Studies, No.4, 2001. Replicated by Information Center for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China, In Chinese Philosophy, No.11, 2001.

72.“Between the Rationality and Desirability: the Idea of Good in Confucianism”, In Confucius Mencius Monthly (Taiwan), Vol.38, No.1, September 28, 1999.

73.“On Zhu Xi's the Semantics Dialectical Theory of the Golden Mean”, In Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, No.5, 2000.

74.“On Chuan-xin Theory of Zen”, In Religion and Philosophy Quarterly(Taiwan), Vol.5, No.2, April 1999.

75.“On the Effects of Daoism on the Metaphysics of Mind in Neo-Confucian”, In Religion and Philosophy Quarterly(Taiwan), Vol.6, No.2, April 2000.

76.“Existence and Generation: the Metaphysics’ Structure of Confucianism and Taoism in Pre-Qin Dynasty”, In Jiang Huai Tribune, No.2, 1999. Replicated by Information Center for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China, In Chinese Philosophy, No.6, 1999.

77.“The Distinction of Scientific Philosophy and its Cultural Connotation by Xiong Shili’s Thought”, In Confucius Mencius Monthly (Taiwan), No.12, 1997.

78.“Dispute between Buddhism and Confucianism: a Dimension of Neo-Confucianism”, In Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, No.2, 1998.

79.“A Sincere Communication with the Ghost: the Spirit of Confucian Ritual”, In Confucius Studies, No.3, 1998.

80.“Historical Reflections on the Formation and Evolution of Wang School”, In Jiangsu Social Sciences, No.2, 1998.

81.“Penetration of Internal Saints and External Kings”, In History of Chinese Philosophy, No.2, 1998.

82. “The Formation of Taoism and Transformation of Cultural Morphology”, In History of Chinese Philosophy,No.4, 1997.

83.“Bodily Subjectivity, Way of Administration and Governance in the Axial Age”, In Frontiers of Philosophy in China, No.4, 2013.

84.“To the Realm of Xiao-Yao”, In Liberation Daily, March 4, 2012. Replicated by Xinhua Digest, No.11, 2012.

85.“Revealing the Dao of Heaven through the Dao of Humans: Sincerity in the Doctrine of Mean”, In Frontiers of Philosophy in China, No.4, 2009.