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发布日期: 2019-12-10   浏览次数 11508








学术成果:在《哲学研究》,《东方学报》、Dao等国内外哲学期刊发表论文近百篇,著有《尊德性与道问学——吴澄哲学思想研究》(人民出版社,2005)、《吴澄评传》(南京大学出版社,2005)、《中国儒学史 宋元卷》(合著,北京大学出版社,2011)、《绘事后素——经典解释与哲学研究》(北京大学出版社,2012)、《原性命之理》(华东师范大学出版社,2015)、《理学九帖——以朱子学为圆心的研究》(商务印书馆,2016)、《新儒学义理要铨》(三联书店,2019),译有《维特根斯坦》(中华书局,2002),《维特根斯坦的拨火棍》(长春出版社,2003),编著《中国思想史讲稿》(上海大学出版社、2006)、《香港新儒家》(上海文艺出版社,2017)。主编海外中国哲学论丛(华东师范大学出版社,2011)。




Fang Xudong 

Basic Information:

Ph.D. in Philosophy

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor of Chinese Philosophy 

Research Fields: Confucianism (especially Neo-Confucianism) and Practical Ethics. 

Academic Experience:

-  Postdoctoral researcher of Department of Philosophy, Renmin University of China (2001-2002)

-  Visiting scholar of Department of Philosophy, Harvard University (2006-2007)

-  Visiting scholar of Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford (2009-2010)

-  Visiting scholar of Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University (2015 - 2016)

Adjunct Academic Posts:

-Fellow of Confucianism Institute, Peking University.

-Fellow of Shanghai Institute for Research of Confucianism, Fudan University.

-Standing Director of the Confucius Society of China, the Zhuzi Society of China and the Shanghai Confucianism Society

-Member of the Chinese Philosophical History Society. 

Academic Achievements:

Nearly 100 papers have been published in Philosophical Research, Oriental Journal, Dao and other professional journals at home and abroad, including "Respecting Virtue and Engaging Learning--Study of Wu Cheng's Philosophical Thought"(Renmin Publishing House, 2005),"A Commentary Biography of Wu Cheng "(Nanjing University Press, 2005), "A History of Chinese Confucianism-Song Yuan Volume" (Co-authored, Peking University Press, 2011), and "The Painting Comes After the Plain Groundwork: The Interpretations and Philosophical Studies of the Classics" (Peking University Press, 2012), "Investigating the Principles of Human Nature and Destiny"(East China Normal University Press, 2015), "Nine Papers of Neo-Confucianism--Centralizing on Zhu Zi School"(The Commercial Press, 2016), "Study of Essential Doctrines of Neo-Confucianism"(SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2019). He has also translated "Wittgenstein" (China Bookstore, 2002), "Wittgenstein’s Poker" (Changchun Publishing House, 2003), compiled "Lectures on the History of Chinese Thought" (Shanghai University Press, 2006), and"Neo-Confucian in Hong Kong" (Shanghai Literature and Art Press, 2017). He is the editor-in-chief of "Series of Overseas Chinese Philosophy Study"(East China Normal University Press, 2011). 

Contact information:

Email: xdfang@philo.ecnu.edu.cn

Office: 2407, Building of philosophy, Minhang Campus