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2014年3月26日 第24次哲学沙龙通知

发布日期: 2014-03-22   浏览次数 364

主题: 霍布斯是道德主义者还是非道德主义者

主讲人:Nicholas D. Jackson




【报告人简介】Nicholas D. Jackson,美国锡拉丘兹大学历史学博士,现为上海外国语大学访问学者。研究领域:欧洲及中国历史,西方政治哲学,英美文学,西方古典音乐主要著作:《霍布斯、布拉姆霍尔、自由政治与必然性:内战及过渡期的争论》 (剑桥大学出版社,独立作者,2007年出版)《大学教学:研究生和新教师指南》(锡拉丘兹大学出版社,第二作者,2005年出版)。论文:《莱文对斯金纳的批评:一场通过霍布斯的辩护》(美国18世纪研究协会会议论文,2007年3月24日《杜克的纽卡斯尔:霍布斯的赞助人和政治信徒?》(英国研究南部史学会会议论文,亚特兰大,2005年11月3日-5日)《霍布斯和布拉姆霍尔:一场关于内战过渡期的争论》(纽约州欧洲史学会会议论文,奥斯威尔,2003年9月27日)。


 The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes is best known for his masterpiece Leviathan. That book is usually classified as political philosophy or political theory. But is political philosophy or political theory possible without any robust notion of justice or without any welldeveloped sense of morality or ethics? Can a valid or cogent political philosophy or theory dispense with all concepts of morality or ethics? By a close reading of Hobbes and scrutiny of his argumentation in Leviathan and his earlier treatises, it is difficult to discover any morality or ethics that we routinely find with political philosophy.Many contemporaries of Hobbes noted the glaring lack of religion, morality, and ethics in his political writings. As far as they were concerned, Hobbes was making no valuable contribution to the peace, piety, harmony, or virtue of their society. Indeed, many of them thought that his socalled political philosophy was some sort of Machiavellian contribution to the promotion of vice. Upon their reading, Leviathan was merely a much more longwinded or prolix version of Machiavelli’s Prince. After taking up these questions and offering various answers, the lecture concludes with an argument that Hobbes’s Leviathan is more suitable to be placed in the genre of psychology or even physics rather than political or moral philosophy.



