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发布日期: 2019-12-10   浏览次数 9527

















Zheng Yishi

(1954——  ) Head of Teaching and Research Section for Marxist Philosophy , Professor and Ph.D. Tutor.


Her academic interests include:

Marxist Philosophy, Foreign Marxism and Contemporary Russian Philosophy.


Her Academic part-time Jobs include:

Member of the Council for the Society of Historical Materialism of China,

Member of the Council for the Society of Marxist Philosophy History of China,

Member of the Council for the Society of Contemporary Foreign Marxism Research of China,

Member of the ResearchCenter for Russian Affairs of Ministry of Education of China,

Member of the Council for the Society of Philosophy of ShanghaiCity,

Member of the Council for the Society of Marxism Research of ShanghaiCity.


Books Authored :

"The Analysis on Democratic Socialism Trend" , Henan People's Publishing House, 1996 .

"The Research on Althusser’s philosophy" , Yanbian University Press, 2001.

"The Trajectory of Marx's Philosophy", EastChinaNormalUniversity Press, 2007.

"The Dynamic Theory of Social Development : from Marx to Western Marxism", Chongqing Publishing House ,2012.


"The Primary Stage of Socialism --- From the ' distressed doubt ' of Marx to Deng Xiaoping Theory",

"The Research on 'The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State' ", etc.


Journal Articles :

She has published more than 130 articles in journals such as " Teaching and Research", "Philosophical Trends", "Academic Monthly", "Journal of Renmin University of China", "Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Science Edition)"etc. and nearly 30 of them are reprinted or excerpted by Journals such as "Chinese Social Science Digest "," Xinhua Digest "," China University Academic Abstracts " and "Reprinted Materials of Newspapers and Periodicals by Renmin University "etc.

Research Projects

She has completed or has been engaged in a number of Social Science Projects of Shanghai ,Humanities and Social Science Projects of the Ministry of Education of China and National Social Science Projects independently.


E-mail : yszheng@philo.ecnu.edu.cn

Mailing address: Department of philosophy, EastChinaNormalUniversity, 500 Dongchuan Rd, Minhang District ,Shanghai 200241, China