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发布日期: 2019-12-10   浏览次数 10324


基本情况蔡林波,Cai Linbo,现任华东师范大学哲学系,教授,博士生导师,宗教学教研室主任。









1. 国家社科基金一般项目“基于文化符号学的道教真形图研究”(16BZJ038),主持,2021年结题,成果鉴定等级优秀。

2. 国家社科基金一般项目“道教二十四治的历史地理及其文物调查研究”22BZJ041主持,2022年立项,在研。

3. 国家社科基金重大项目“宋元明清道教科学技术研究”子课题“科学思想篇”(13&ZD078),子课题主持,2022年结题,成果鉴定等级优秀。

4. 横向招标课题“四川地区早期道教遗址调查”,主持,2020年结题;合作单位:成都考古工作队。

5. 横向合作课题“正一道教史”,主持,2020年立项,在研;合作单位:上海城隍庙。


1. 《天垂象:道教真形图的综合诠释研究》,北京:宗教文化出版社,2022年,独著。

2. 《神药之殇:道教丹术转型的文化阐释》,成都:巴蜀出版社,2008年,独著。

3. 《助天生物:道教生态观与现代文明》,上海:上海辞书出版社,2007年独著。

4. 《中国道教科学技术史(南北朝隋唐五代卷)》,北京:科学出版社,2010年,合著。

5. 《正一道教研究》第1-6辑,北京:宗教文化出版社,2012-2017年,副主编。

6. 《中国历史和社会中的道教仪式》(劳格文),济南:齐鲁出版社,2017年,译著。




2. 何谓「害马者」?——《庄子》「黄帝将见大隗」寓言解诂


3. The Sacred Writing of Knowledge: Interpreting the True Form Charts of the Man-Bird Mountain in TaoismReligions 2022, 13-11, 1128.AHCI

4. 庄子“悬解”思想稽论《湖南大学学报》,2022年第1期,CSSCI,人大复印资料全文转载。

5. 以道解物:庄子“庖丁解牛”思想辨正,《四川大学学报》2021年第1期,CSSCI,人大复印资料全文转载。

6. 道教“洞”概念及其生命哲学意涵,《宗教学研究》2019年第3期,CSSCI,中国社会科学网全文转载。

7. 齐物知道:庄子“濠梁之辩”的哲学意涵,《四川大学学报》2018年第6期,CSSCI

8. 嗣诸法要:赵宜真的道教仪法思想诠论,《学术论坛》2016年第3期,CSSCI

9. 论赵宜真的道教有机整体论科学思想,《西南民族大学学报》2016年第9期,CSSCI

10. 早期天师道财神三天万福君研究,《宗教学研究》2015年第1期,CSSCI

11. 形与真:道教“形”论思想阐释,《四川大学学报》2015年第5期,CSSCI,日本京都大学发表演讲:《形と真 : 道教「形」論思想を論ずる》,中国社会科学网全文转载。

12. 先秦“或使说”辩义《学术研究》,2013年第5期,CSSCI,人大复印资料全文转载。

13. 中虚圆通——道教的竹文化,《中国宗教》2013年第7期,CSSCI

14. 道教养生蕴含的文化机制,《中国宗教》2012年第2期,CSSCI

15. 正一道研究的新进展——首届“正一道教:历史与现状”国际学术研讨会述要,《宗教学研究》2014年第3期,CSSCI

16. 北宋道士王从之:从琴王师到太一宫宫主,《中国道教》2013年第3期。



19. 清明节的道教文化意蕴《周口师范学院学报》,2012年第1期。

20. 苏颂与道教《中国道教》,2011年第2期。

21. 从仪式的角度解读道教(译)《世界宗教文化》,2011年第3期;(人大复印资料:“宗教”2001年第5期全文转载),CSSCI

22. 陶弘景的形神观及其思想史意义《东岳论丛》,2010年第6期,CSSCI


24. 冶与天通:试论炼丹术的工艺精神本质《华东师范大学学报》,2010年第6期,CSSCI

25. 游之道:道教旅游理念的本真性蕴义《宗教学研究》,2010年第4期,CSSCI

26. 城之道:道教的城市观《中国宗教》,2010年第8期,CSSCI

27. 中国古代道教对生物多样性的认知及其生态学意义,《鄱阳湖学刊》,2010年第1期。

28. 和子论:对中西哲学本体论思想的融通,《宗教哲学》(台湾),2010年第12期。

29. 饮食自然:道教饮食养生思想浅议,《中国道教》,2009年第1期。

30. 是“病根”还是“良种”——也谈道教信仰的本土性,《宗教哲学》(台湾),2009年第12期。

31. 著道于人身:道教体育思想及其人文精神,《中国道教》,2008年第4期。

32. 内在化:全真道的生命观及其精神特质,《宗教哲学》(台湾),2013年第12期。


Cai Linbo 

Basic Information:

Professor of Department of PhilosophyPhD supervis

Dean of Department of Religious Studies, East China Normal University

Research Fields:

   Taoist Thought, History and Culture. In recent years, I have focused on the study of Daoist images, early Daoist history, Daoist Daoist philosophy, especially the interpretation of the texts and ideas of Zhuangzi, proposing the theory of "archetypal images" and focusing on the combination of theoretical debate, textual analysis and fieldwork.

Academic Experience:

In 2000, Linbo Cai graduated with a master’s degree in philosophy from School of Law, Central South University. In 2005, he received his Ph.D. degree in history from the School of History and Culture, Shandong University. Since 2005, he has been teaching in Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University. During this period, he has visited many academic institutions and universities in Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places for academic exchanges and lectures.

Teaching courses:

  Undergraduate courses: Introduction to Religion (required for majors), History of Taoist Thought (elective for majors), Introduction to Taoist Culture (university-wide general core course), Religious Culture (major category platform course).

Postgraduate courses: History of Chinese Religions (required course for master's students), Thematic Study of Religious Rituals (optional course for master's students), Selected Religious Literature (required course for doctoral students).

Adjunct Academic Posts: :

*Research projects:

1. General Project of National Social Science Foundation of China, "Research on the True Form of Taoism Based on Cultural Semiotics" (16BZJ038), presided over, completed in 2021, with excellent results.

2. General Project of National Social Science Foundation of China, "Research on the Historical Geography of the Twenty-four Diocese (二十四治) of Taoism and its Cultural Relics" (22BZJ041), presided over, in progress in 2022.

3. National Social Science Foundation of China, "Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties Daoist Science and Technology Research" sub-project "Scientific Thought" (13&ZD078), sub-project chair, finished in 2022, with excellent results.

4. Horizontal tender project "Survey of early Taoist sites in Sichuan", presided over, to be completed in 2020; cooperation unit: Chengdu Archaeological Task Force.

5. Horizontal cooperation project "History of Zheng Yi Taoism", presided over, to be established in 2020, under research; cooperation unit: Shanghai Chenghuang Temple.

*Major publications:

1. The Heavenly Draped Elephant: A Comprehensive Interpretive Study of the Taoist True Form Chart, Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2022, solo author.

2. The Martyrdom of Divine Medicine: A Cultural Interpretation of the Transformation of Daoistalchemy, Chengdu: Bashu Publishing House, 2008, solo author.

3. Helping Heavenly Creatures: Taoist Ecological View and Modern Civilization, Shanghai: Shanghai Dictionary Press, 2007, solo author.

4. History of Science and Technology of Chinese Taoism (North and South Dynasties, Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties Vol.), Beijing: Science Press, 2010, co-author.

5. The Study of Orthodox Religion inTaoism (Volume 1-6), Series 1-6, Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2012-2017, associate editor.

6. Daoist Rituals in Chinese History and Society (John Lagerwey), Jinan: Qilu Publishing House, 2017, translation.

*Main papers:

1. A Peek at the Sixth Century A.D. Tianshidao Community - An Interpretation Based on the Shinto Tablet of Chang Yi Wang Shrine World Religious Studies, No. 5, 2021, CSSCI.

2. What is "the one who harms horses"? --An exegesis of the allegory "The Yellow Emperor will meet the Great Kui" in Zhuangzi (Zhuangzi) Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 9, 2021. (AHCI)

3. The Sacred Writing of Knowledge: Interpreting the True Form Charts of the Man-Bird Mountain in Taoism Religions 2022, 13-11, 1128. (AHCI)

4. "Zhuangzi's "Hanging Interpretation" Thought: A Review", Journal of Hunan University, 2022, No. 1, CSSCI, Reprinted in full by NPC. 5. the idea of Zhuangzi's "budding bull", Journal of Sichuan University, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2021, CSSCI, reproduced in full by NPC. 6. The concept of "hole" in Taoism and its philosophical connotation of life, Studies in Religion, Vol. 3, 2019, CSSCI, reproduced in full by China Social Science Network. 7. The Philosophical Implications of Zhuangzi's "Dialogue of Hao and Liang", Journal of Sichuan University, Vol. 6, No. 6, 2018, CSSCI. 8. On the Philosophy of Daoist Rituals of Zhao Yizhen, Journal of Academic Forum, Vol. 3, 2016, CSSCI. 9. On the Scientific Thought of Daoist Organic Holism of Zhao Yizhen, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, Vol. 3, 2016, CSSCI. Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, No. 9, 2016, CSSCI. 10. Study on the Three Days of Wanfujun, the God of Wealth in Early Tianshidao, Studies in Religion, No. 1, 2015, CSSCI. 11. Form and Truth: An Explanation of the Thought of "Form" in Taoism, Journal of Sichuan University, No. 5, 2015, CSSCI. The lecture of Kyoto University, Japan: "Form and Truth: Taoism's "Form" Theory Thought を論ずる", reprinted in full by China Social Science Website. 12. The debate on the "or make" theory of the pre-Qin Dynasty, Academic Studies, 2013, No. 5, CSSCI, reproduced in full in NPC Reprint. 13. The Bamboo Culture of Taoism, Zhongxu Yuantong, China Religion, Vol. 7, 2013, CSSCI. 14. The Cultural Mechanism of Taoism's Health, China Religion, Vol. 2, 2012, CSSCI. 15. New Developments in the Study of Zheng Yi. -The First International Symposium on "Zhengyaoism: History and Current Situation", Religious Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2014, CSSCI. 16. Wang Congzhi, a Daoist priest of the Northern Song Dynasty: From the Master of Qin Wang to the Master of Taiyi Palace, Chinese Daoism, Vol. 3, 2013.

17. Why "Li Lao was in front": A new investigation into the reasons for the Taoism in the Tang Dynasty, Zheng Yi Daoist Studies, 2nd series, Religious Culture Press, June 2013.

18. The Cultural Mechanism of Taoist Nourishment, Chinese Religion, No. 2, 2012, CSSCI.

19. Cultural Implications of Daoism in Qingming Festival, Journal of Zhoukou Normal College, No. 1, 2012.

20. Su Song and Taoism (Chinese Taoism), No. 2, 2011.

21. Interpreting Taoism from the perspective of rituals (Translation) World Religious Culture, No. 3, 2011; (Reprinted in full in NPC Copy Material: "Religion", No. 5, 2001), CSSCI.

22. Tao Hongjing's concept of form and god and its significance in the history of thought, Dongyue Shuang Shuang, No. 6, 2010, CSSCI.

23. Examination of the Meaning of "Diet and Nature" in Shanhaijing (Academic Forum), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2010, CSSCI.

24. The essence of the spirit of alchemy: a trial discussion on the nature of the craft of alchemy Journal of East China Normal University, 2010, No. 6, CSSCI.

25. The Way of Touring: The Implication of Taoism's Tourism Concept of Authenticity Religious Studies, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2010, CSSCI.

26. The Way of the City: Taoism's View of the City, Chinese Religion, Vol. 8, No. 8, 2010, CSSCI.

27. Ancient Chinese Taoism's Perception of Biodiversity and its Ecological Significance, Journal of Poyang Lake, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010.

28. The Integration of Ontological Thought in Chinese and Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion (Taiwan), Vol. 12, 2010.

29. Diet and Nature: A Brief Discussion of Taoist Ideas on Diet and Health, Chinese Taoism, No. 1, 2009.

30. "The Root of the Disease" or "Good Seed": A Discussion of the Indigenous Nature of Taoist Beliefs, Philosophy of Religion (Taiwan), No. 12, 2009.

31. The Tao in the Person: Taoist Sports Thought and its Humanistic Spirit, Chinese Taoism, No. 4, 2008.

32. Internalization: Quanzhen Dao's view of life and its spiritual qualities, Philosophy of Religion (Taiwan), Vol. 12, 2013.

Contact Information:

Email: 30864222@qq.com