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发布日期: 2017-05-25   浏览次数 277

题目:Aesthetic Heroism in Accelerating Life-Worlds ——Nietzsche, Zhuangzi, and the Perspectives of Self-Cultivation






报告人:Helmut Heit(同济大学哲学系)




内容简介:This report reflects conceptions of good life and the art of living under late modern conditions of fluidity and constant social change by comparing an ancient Chinese classic with a modern Western iconoclast. Both Zhuāngzǐ and Friedrich Nietzsche question the impetus and the telos of their respective cultural environments, and both address the individual in her search for self-cultivation in times of accelerating life-worlds. Similarities and differences between Nietzsche and the Zhuāngzǐ regarding style, content, and perspective not only provide fruitful ground for comparative studies, but they also help to comprehend the experience of increasingly fast changing life-worlds in East and West and to investigate the opportunities of revised and secularized concepts of aesthetic cultivation of ourselves and the world we live in.

报告人简介:Helmut Heit,曾任教于柏林工大,现为同济大学哲学系副教授,主要研究方向为尼采哲学、古希腊哲学、社会哲学等。代表作有Grundwissen Philosophie: Frühgriechische Philosophie (Von Thales bis Sokrates), Stuttgart (Reclam), 2011. Der Ursprungsmythos der Vernunft. Zur philosophiehistorischen Genealogie des griechischen Wunders, Würzburg (K"onigshausen & Neumann), 2007.