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发布日期: 2016-12-07   浏览次数 319

主题:A Confusion in Concepts of Causal Importance



报告人:Brad Weslake(上海纽约大学)

评议人:朱晶、 郁锋(华东师范大学哲学系)

内容简介:An open question in philosophy of biology is whether there is any scientifically interesting sense in which genetic causes are objectively more important than non-genetic causes. In this talk Professor Weslake will argue that some of the most influential concepts of causal importance defended by philosophers of biology in this context involve a common confusion, and suggest some replacements.

报告人简介:Brad Weslake, 上海纽约大学哲学学科负责人、副教授、悉尼大学哲学博士。曾在美国罗切斯特大学、纽约大学等校任教。主要研究领域为科学哲学、心灵哲学、形而上学,尤为关注科学解释、因果性研究,先后在《英国科学哲学》、《澳大利亚哲学研究》、《牛津哲学手册:因果性》、“斯坦福哲学百科”等发表文章。